How does it works

Our software automates the process, creating efficient schedules in minutes.
Empower your workforce

Employees can view their schedules, request time off, and swap shifts - all within the app.

Mobile Accessibility

Employees can conveniently access their schedules, request time off, and swap shifts directly through our mobile app, fostering a sense of ownership and flexibility.

Increase productivity

Focus on what matters with a well-organized team and reduced administrative burden.

Tired of the never-ending cycle of manual scheduling?

Introducing ozRoster, the all-in-one employee scheduling solution designed to streamline your operations, empower your teams, and boost productivity

ozRoster is more than just a scheduling tool - it's an investment in your company's success.

Employees can conveniently access their schedules, request time off, and swap shifts directly through our mobile app, fostering a sense of ownership and flexibility.

What our customers have to say

Don't hesitate to reach out!


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Our address

12 Kerr Street
Blackburn VIC 3130

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